10 yoga poses that will reduce back pain
Why you should try this 10 yoga poses that will reduce back pain?
In today’s environment, back and neck pain are the two most common problems.
Muscle tension is caused by back pain.
Long periods of sitting cause stress in areas that limit spine flexibility, such as the hips and shoulders.
Back exercises can help you stretch and relax these muscles in only a few minutes. Before beginning a yoga activity, talk to your doctor or physiotherapist about how to incorporate yoga into your rehabilitation plan if you’ve recently undergone spine surgery.
Because every body is diverse and unique, not all back workouts are appropriate for you.
If you experience back pain in certain poses, your body is signaling you to back away.
What are the benefits of yoga?
Yoga is considered as an excellent therapy that has a wide range of advantages.
There are a few yoga poses that operate specifically on the spine among the many available.
They help in the relaxation of tense muscles, as well as the reduction of tension and strengthening of such muscles.
Yoga for back pain stretches and strengthens the muscles that support the back and spine, including the para-spinal muscles, which help you bend your spine, the multifidus muscles, which stabilize your spine, and the transverse muscles of your abdomen, which also assist stabilize your spine.
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1. Yoga pose – The Mountain (Tadasana)
Tadasana yoga pose is an ideal warm-up pose. It improves circulation and prepares the body for other asanas.

2. Standing Half Forward Bend (ardha uttanasana)
The forward bend yoga pose strengthens the back and spine, which ultimately improves posture. Relieves tension in the neck and back. It tones the abdominal muscles and stretches the front and back of the torso. Slowly lower yourself into a straight back bend until you feel resistance. Use a yoga block to extend your arms to avoid extra tension.
3. Yoga pose- Bharadvaja’s Twist (Bharadvajasana)
Bharadvaja’s Twist yoga pose relieves back pain, neck pain and sciatica. It also helps relieve stress and improves digestion. It is recommended in the second trimester of pregnancy to strengthen the lower back. When doing Bharadvajasana activate the abdominal muscles and feel the spine lengthen. You enter Bharadvajasana slowly until you feel resistance. Stay in position as long as you feel comfortable.
4. Child’s yoga pose (Balasana)
The wide knees variation of the child’s pose is good for relaxing and releasing tension in the neck and back.
The spine is stretched and lengthened in this position.
This yoga pose might aid with stress and tiredness relief.
5. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Practicing this yoga pose can help relieve back pain and sciatica. The Downward-Facing Dog improves strength and maintains balance in the body.
6.Yoga pose – Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita trikonasana)
Back discomfort, sciatica, and neck pain can all be relieved by lying in an extended triangle pose.
It strengthens the shoulders, chest, and legs while stretching the spine, hips, and groin.
It can also aid in the reduction of tension and anxiety.
7.Yoga pose – Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
Yoga pose – Warrior Pose II opens and strengthens the chest and shoulders to support the neck.
8. Yoga pose Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
The idea is to bend forward from the hips to extend your lower legs without putting too much strain on your back.
It makes no difference how close you are to the ground.
When bending forward, it’s critical to learn to keep your legs and spine stable.
9. Yoga pose – Knees to chest pose (Apanasana )
Yoga pose Knees to chest pose (Apanasana) stimulates the nervous system while also relaxing the abdominal organs.
Make sure the neck isn’t overworked.
This asana is not recommended for pregnant women or anyone suffering from neck or shoulder injuries.
10. Corpse Pose (Savasana)
At the end of your yoga practice, relax in a Savasana. Release the remaining stress and tension throughout the body.
The most crucial part of a good yoga program is not back exercises.
What matters most is that they are performed in line with individualized variations and with the use of appropriate props.
For the protection of your spine, contact an expert yoga instructor who can show you how to execute this unique yoga practice for back pain.
If you’re careful, a popular yoga practice can help you ease lower back pain.
Learn more: 7 Best Yoga Poses to Soothe Your Lower Back Pain by Everdayhealth.com