Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

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Our bodies take the shape of a crescent in this hard balancing asana.
With Half Moon Pose ( Ardha Chandrasana) we can improve our concentration, coordination, and motor reflexes by practicing this pose on a daily basis.

Yoga poses - Half Moon Pose (Ardha chandrasana)Yoga poses - Half Moon Pose (Ardha chandrasana)Image by yogateket.com

Step by step instruction

1. Step  in Tadasan, the yoga pose of the “mountain”. Then go into the pose of Utthit trikonasana, triangle, bent towards the right leg and with the left hand on the left hip.

2. With the exhale, bend the right knee, move the right palm forward for the length of the foot and place it on the ground on the outside of the right foot (on the side of the little toe). Simultaneously with this movement, move the left foot to the right side for the same length. We stay in this yoga pose for 2 breath cycles, concentrating and preparing for balance on one leg.

3. With the exhale, press the right heel firmly to the ground and lean slightly on the right palm (or fingertips). At the same time, straighten the right and raise the left foot to a position parallel to the ground or slightly higher. We point the toes of the left foot forward, and we push the heel back to secure and fix the raised foot. We also strengthen the leg on which we balance, but we take care not to stretch the knee of the right leg too much and not to turn it towards the inside. It is always in line with the center of the right ankle and foot.

4. Turn the torso by slowly moving the left hip upwards until it is in line with the right hip. The shoulders are also straight and the whole chest is open. Turn  head and look at the ceiling. If we are stable in this yoga pose, separate the left hand from the hip and extend it upwards, directing the gaze towards the thumb of the left hand (palm facing forward). Fasten the upper shoulder blade to the back.

5. The weight of the body in this asana is mostly borne by the foot and hip of the leg on which we balance. We just lean our lower arms lightly on the ground to better maintain balance and for our own safety. We press hard on the inside of the right ankle as if it draws energy from the ground, transferring it to the right groin, which further stabilizes and strengthens our right foot and makes it easier to hold this position. We also press the sacrum of the shoulder blade along the back of the torso, extending the tail bone towards the raised heel.

6.We stay in the ‘crescent’ for 20 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and evenly. With the exhale, lower the left foot to the ground and return to the Utthita trikonasana, the “elongated triangle” pose. Let’s repeat everything on the left side, balancing on the left leg while holding the pose.


  • If we have a tight and stiff back, we utilize a yoga block to help us lower and keep the lower arm on the ground, even resting on the fingertips to rest the hand on it.
    We set the block where our lower arm must be lowered.
    First, place the palm of your lower hand on the block’s highest height; once we’ve established a solid balance in this posture, we progressively lower the block to its middle height before resting our palm on the block’s lowest height.
  • If we have trouble keeping our balance in this pose, we can do it against the wall while resting our lower arm on a yoga block.
    The wall provides stability and aids with body alignment.
    At the point where we need to drop our lower arm, we position the yoga block against the wall (changing the height of the block).
    We take a position against the wall, approximately a foot away from him, and turn our backs on him.
    We start with a triangle and then move into the “crescent” pose, resting the lower arm on the block in the same way we did before.
  • If we want a more advanced variation of the position, we lift the lower arm off the ground and rest it on the thigh of the leg on which we are standing.

Therapeutic benefits of Half Moon Pose

  • anxiety
  • back pain
  • osteoporosis
  • sciatica
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • gastritis  indigestion
  • menstrual pain

Half Moon Pose benefits

  • strengthens the abdomen, ankles, thighs, buttocks
  • strengthens the lumbar and lumbar spine, reduces back pain
  • stretches the groin, hamstrings and knees, shoulders, chest, spine
  • improves coordination and sense of balance
  • relieves stress
  • improves digestion
  • improves circulation in the spinal cord muscles
  • encourages better circulation in the feet
  • the only standing asana that eliminates fatigue (if we do it against the wall)

Contraindications, warnings and precautions:

  • headache or migraine
  • low blood pressure
  • diarrhea
  • insomnia
  • people with neck problems do not turn their head upwards and do not look up but forward, keeping both sides of the neck equally elongated

More for learn: Half-Moon Pose – Ardha Chandrasana

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