Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)

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What is yoga pose Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)?

Parivrtta-inverted; Janu-knee; sirsa-head (inverted head to knee yoga pose).

 Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana) is an inverted variation of Paschimottanasana,’ making it more advanced.
Unlike Paschimottanasana, we bend the side and back of the body towards the extending leg and lay the nape of the neck on the same leg’s knee in this inverted position.
The abdominal organs are squeezed and tightened in “semi-clamps,” and the sirsasans are stretched and strengthened on both sides in Parivrrt.
This pose improves blood circulation in the spinal cord and helps to ease back discomfort.

Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)

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Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana) step by step instruction

1. On the ground, sit in Dandasana and spread our legs apart so that the angle between them is firm.
The position of the front body is good.

2. Then bend the right leg at the knee and drop the outer side of the thigh and the leaf to the ground, then place the right heel near the pubic bone on the right groin.
The inside of the left thigh is touched by the toes of the right foot.
By pressing the right knee back, gently stretch it.

3.Bend the left knee slowly and gradually, and move the left heel a few centimeters towards the left gluteal muscle.Bend the torso towards the left leg and press the left shoulder against the inside side of the left knee as you exhale.
We place the left forearm on the ground next to the left leg and turn the palm upwards.Stretch the inside of the left leg with the left side of the torso.
We grip the inside edge of the left foot with the left palm, embracing the upper side of the foot with the thumb and the arch with the other fingers, and the bottom side of the foot with the other fingers.

4.The femur of the bent, right leg is held firmly and securely in this posture.
As a result, we actively press the right femur into the ground while gently stretching and straightening the left knee with the inhalation.
Keep the left shoulder ‘glued’ to the inside of the left knee at all times during this action.
As you lower the knee to the ground, you feel the front of the body stretch.
Turn the torso slightly towards the ceiling once the knee is totally straightened.

5. Raise the right hand with the inhale, straighten it, and move it slightly back (so that it is behind the right ear), and then throw the right hand to the left side, as close to the left foot as possible.Grab the outer edge of the left foot with your right hand, the big toe on the upper side, and the other toes on the arch.

6.Bend your elbows to the side and spread them as far apart as possible.
We progressively turn the torso upwards, towards the ceiling, with the exhale, moving the head between the arms and resting the nape of the neck on the left knee, facing upwards.
The left shoulder is held against the inner of the left knee.
By moving the bent right knee back, we strive to stretch it even more.
On the right side of the torso, completely stretch the ribs.

7 .For 20-60 seconds,  stay in this yoga pose.
Because of the tight abdomen on one side of the torso, inhaling will be quick and shallow. Let’s concentrate on relaxing tense body regions and breathing for longer periods of time.

8.Exit the posture by inhaling, releasing the arms, and turning the torso down to face the outstretched, left leg.Then walk with the hands in the middle, moving the torso between the two legs without straightening up, and then slowly straightening up with the inhale, rising the arms above our heads.Return to position 1 by straightening the right leg.

9.Repeat on the other side, bending the body and lowering the nape of the neck to the outstretched right leg and knee while the left is bowed, with equal duration retention in the ultimate yoga pose.


Then put the lower / left hand on the left foot and grab the left foot from above if we are not flexible enough.
Extend the other, right arm to the left side, as far as possible towards the left foot, over the right ear.

If you can’t reach the foot of the outstretched leg we’re bending, then use a strap that we wrap around the arch of the foot and hold with one or both hands, depending on our preference.

Release the lower left arm and extend it to the right knee that is bent.

Therapeutic benefit of Revolved Head to Knee Pose

  • back pain
  • anxiety
  • fatigue
  • headache insomnia

Benefits of Revolved Head to Knee Pose

  • stretches the spine, shoulders, knee tendons, hips
  • improves blood circulation in the spine
  • stimulates the abdominal organs, primarily the kidneys and liver improves digestion

Contraindications, warnings and precautions:

  • knee
  • hip, arm and shoulder injuries
  • diarrhea
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