Practicing yoga before bed can improve sleep by enhancing blood flow, relaxing muscles, strengthening mental health, and reducing dependence on cell phones before sleep. Gentle yoga poses can serve as a relaxing bedtime routine.

Yoga for a better and more peaceful sleep: 10 gentle yoga poses for good sleep

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                                                                      key takeaways

  • Anxiety is a common cause of waking up at night. It keeps the mind agitated, causing restless sleep and leading to waking up with worry, often resulting in a state of exhaustion.
  • Many people experience “false insomnia,” where the fear of not getting enough sleep becomes an obsession. This can lead to a perceived lack of sleep and may result in psychological issues and dependence on sleep aids.
  • The amount of sleep needed varies by individual and life stage. Quality of sleep is more important than quantity, with deep, restful sleep leading to a refreshed feeling, regardless of the number of hours slept.
  • Practicing yoga before bed can improve sleep by enhancing blood flow, relaxing muscles, strengthening mental health, and reducing dependence on cell phones before sleep. Gentle yoga poses can serve as a relaxing bedtime routine.


Waking up at night while sleeping

The most common cause of waking up at night is anxiety. When the mind is agitated due to a specific problem that surpasses our current skills, we sleep in bed, not at all calm, with anxiety in the subconscious, and wake up with worry as the first thought in our heads. Then we usually start to go over the same topic in our heads and become more and more anxious. The nervous system strains to the maximum and finally we fall into a comatose sleep, completely exhausted, usually before dawn, just before the alarm goes off.

Night eating

A man does not need food at night. At night, all body systems slow down and seek much-needed rest. The stomach locks—it doesn’t work. A healthy person never feels the need for food during the night. Night hunger is a consequence of the disturbed secretion of stomach acid “when it is not her time”, and it is caused by stress. If we eat it then, the digestive system does not function well and the digestion of food is incomplete. Uncoordinated metabolic processes lead to the release of large amounts of toxins from incompletely digested food. We wake up heavy, often with a bloated stomach and mild nausea.

False insomnia

False insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It appears as an obsession with good sleep in the form of a fear of insomnia. Although a person sleeps for a sufficient number of hours, they have the feeling that they have slept less than necessary. She was worried that she would not be able to fall asleep. She fell into a very difficult sleep. This results in an obsessive feeling of fear. When a person is born with the fear of not sleeping and it becomes a pattern of thinking, it is very difficult to realize and eradicate. Most insomnia is actually imaginary insomnia, and so the smallest, temporary sleep rhythm disorder grows into a major psychological problem and often drug dependence.

How much sleep does a person need?

A dream is a very individual thing. Some people need 8 hours, but many people need 4 hours of sleep. Don’t hold on to the belief that you have to meet an 8-hour quota. In general, women have less sleep than men. In different periods of life, we need a different number of hours of sleep. Daily activity will again determine your sleep schedule. If you live calmly and meditatively, you will need fewer hours of sleep. A man who works hard, either physically or mentally, needs more sleep.

Another thing to consider is the quality of sleep. You are aware that you used to wake up broken and run over despite having slept for more than 8 hours.If we have a deep, healthy sleep, we will get up rested and in a good mood, and that will have nothing to do with the length of sleep. A deep dream is the dream of a carefree man. One hour of yoga nidra counts as four hours of deep, healthy sleep.

We all know that yoga helps in many processes, such as relieving stress, increasing flexibility, and deep breathing. But did you know that practicing yoga before bed could further increase these benefits? Doing yoga before bed can ensure that you get the most out of it and help these benefits reflect on your body throughout the night.

Improves blood flow

Whether you have had a long day at work or school, raising your oxygen levels and strengthening your heart muscles are important aspects of your daily health. Practicing yoga before bed will increase your blood flow and allow for a better night’s rest, rejuvenating your body for the next busy day.

It relaxes the muscles

Nothing is worse than having back or leg cramps when lounging in a cozy bed. Before going to bed, do some yoga poses to release some of the stress from a long day of typing at your desk and sitting in front of a computer. Furthermore, you get relaxation of your neck, shoulders, legs, and other body regions that are stiff from a sedentary way of life.

It strengthens your mental health

Sometimes movies, TV shows, or video calls with friends just don’t help your brain stop thinking. Conscious breathing techniques in yoga help you to clear negative thoughts and stressors that negatively affect your mental health. Going to bed without “mental flushing” will make it difficult to sleep. Relieve stress with yoga before bed by relieving those worries and mental stressors that you should leave for the next day.

It prevents you from using your cell phone before bed

One of the biggest culprits for sleep problems is looking at your smartphone screen and browsing your social networks before you fall asleep. Take time for yoga by getting away from your devices before bed. Put down your phone, get in touch with your body and focus your energy on your inner state. If you stay present in your body and forget about your mobile device, you will be able to relax better before bed.

10 gentle yoga poses for good sleep

Here is a guide to gentle yoga poses for good sleep that you can do on your own bed. These Yoga poses for sleep represent the perfect bedtime routine as they relax the muscles and mind. Although these exercises are relatively gentle, it is important to talk to your doctor first before embarking on a new way of exercising.

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This pose is ideal for those who want to spend a few minutes in quiet thinking before bed.

Start by sitting comfortably in a crossed-leg position. Sit with your spine straight, relax your arms and take three deep breaths. Try to clear your mind and focus on deep breathing, even though it may take some time for your mind to be ready.

gentle yoga poses for good sleep

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2.Yoga pose – Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Seated Forward Bend is great if you want to do one of the most unpretentious bedtime poses. Sit on the bed and slowly bend your body forward, then gently reach your toes. If you can’t reach your feet, reach for your hips, knees, or thighs, whichever is most comfortable for you. Focus on exhaling, as this will deepen your range.


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3. Yoga pose – Child’s Pose ( Balasana )

Kneel on the bed with your feet together, then spread your knees to hip width. Lean down slowly until you lie between your thighs. Stay there as long as you feel comfortable, deep and focused breathing.

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4. Easy yoga pose Neck Rotation

This pose is great for stretching the spine and upper body. Start by sitting cross-legged on the bed, and placing your right leg on your left knee. Put your left hand on the bed behind you and slowly rotate your body to the left. Also, turn your head so that you are looking over your left shoulder. Take a deep breath, then slowly return to the middle. Repeat the rotation with the other side of the body.


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5. Reclined Goddess Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This is one of the most relaxing poses on the list because you will be lying completely straight on the bed. Start by lying on your back and bending your knees. Put your feet together and just let your feet hang on each side. Just let your hands fall next to you. If you start to feel cramps or any strain in your lower body, place a pillow or two under each knee to lift your legs.


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6. Yoga pose Feet on the Wall

This is a particularly meditative pose. “This inversion will ease the tension in your legs,” says Vyda Bielkus, a yoga instructor. “For people who have difficulty meditating, this may be an easier way to clear their minds.” Sit on the bed facing the wall. Lie on your back and stretch your legs against the wall. Let your hands rest on your side while your palms are facing up. Breathe gently, and feel the stretch in the back of your legs.


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7. Yoga pose knees to chest pose

This is a calming pose, or at the same time quite physically stimulating. It is similar to the popular ‘happy baby’ pose in that both feet are in the air and facing you. Lie on the bed and gather your knees and pull them to your chest. Then cross the ankles on your legs and hug the leaves with your hands. Swing your body forward to sit, then back, exhaling at the same time. “Find a quiet point in your body and focus,” says instructor Bielkus. “This will lengthen the lower back and allow the hips to stretch.”


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8. Yoga pose Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

This is one of the more physically intense poses, but it works wonders for tired legs. Start on all fours, and keep your arms outstretched in line with your shoulders. Bring your left knee forward, between your arms, and stretch your right leg behind you on the bed. Exhale and bend your body forward over your left knee. Stay that way as long as you feel comfortable. Do this for a few minutes, then swap to the other side.


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9. Yoga pose Reclining spinal twist pose

This stretch is perfect for the morning, before you jump out of bed and get ready for the rest of the day. Lie on the bed and gently rest your knees against your chest. Keep your feet below your knees with your left hand and lower them to your left side of the bed. Let your head follow your feet and look to the left. Stay in this yoga pose for a while, then repeat on the other side.


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10. Yoga pose Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This yoga pose  might be a little too intense at first, especially for those with back pain. But it is definitely interesting! Lie flat on your back, and place your hands under your hips. Then slowly lift your chest and gently stretch your head back. Stay like this for a while, then go down and repeat.

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