Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)

Yoga Pose – Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)

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Standing forward bend (Uttanasana) is part of the Sun Salutation and is often performed as part of the Vinyasa style. It is performed at the beginning as well as at the end. There is no need to rush through this yoga pose because this position allows the body to relax better during a longer stay.

This yoga position stretches and elongates the tendons of the knees and calves. If you do running or any sport that involves a lot of running, the result is a strained hamstring. The standing bend is considered a yoga pose that relaxes and relieves the body of stress. It is also one of the yoga poses that help with insomnia.

It starts from the yoga pose of Urdhva Hastasana with the arms extended above the head, and then the arms are brought down on both sides of the body to reach the bend from the hips.

Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
Image by yanalya on Freepik

Step by step instruction

  • At the beginning, the tips of the fingers must be aligned with the toes. If possible, the palms should be pressed flat on the mat.
  • Another version is that the knees are micro-bent so that they are not locked.
  • The quadriceps muscles need to be engaged, then pulled. The more quadrupeds are used, the greater the possibility of opening the hamstrings or muscles on the side of the thigh.
  • Then shift your body weight forward towards the tops of your feet so that your hips stay above your ankles.
  • The head should hang loosely.
  • It is necessary to inhale and put your hands on your hips, press your coccyx down and tighten your little toes while lifting your body.

Common mistakes

The fold must start from the pelvis, deepening the folds on the hips; that is, the fold must not start from the back. A back bend will result in a curved spine that hangs over the legs. The pelvis needs to be rotated forward so it can be folded in a safer way.

If at the beginning this position is uncomfortable or difficult, it can be modified; after a simpler form is mastered, it is switched to a more powerful form.

Simple Yoga Pose – Standing forward bend (Uttanasana) variation

Feet can be touching or hip-width apart; whichever is more comfortable for you.

To begin with, it is necessary to slightly bend the knees, although this changes the effect of the position. Blocks can also be used under the arms so that the knees are strongly bent and the hamstrings are further stretched.

A stronger challenge of Standing forward bend (Uttanasana) variation

Moving back and forth between a straight back and a forward bend is one way to deepen this yoga position. It is necessary to slow down the breathing in order to reach the alignment of the spine with the hands on the shins. Keep the spine long during exhalation while bending forward. And this is repeated several times.

Standing forward bend
Image by yanalya on Freepik

Depending on how open the tendons in the knees are, the toes can be held while bending the elbows outward on both sides. A step higher would be placing the hands under the feet with the palms facing up.


You should avoid this pose if you have a lower back injury. It should also be avoided if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, or recent dental bone grafting. If you feel any pain and need to distinguish between pain and discomfort during stretching, you need to slowly rise to a vertical position.

Therapeutic application

  •     asthma
  •     high blood pressure
  •     infertility
  •     osteoporosis
  •     sinusitis


  •     It calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
  •     It stimulates the liver and kidneys
  •     Stretches the back of the thighs, calves and hips
  •     Strengthens thighs and knees
  •     Improves digestion
  •     Improves digestion
  •     Relieves weakness and anxiety
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