zojax yoga

zojax yoga

Yoga pose Gate Pose (Parighasana)

Yoga pose Gate Pose (Parighasana) work?

What muscles does Yoga pose Gate Pose Parighasana work? Yoga pose Gate Pose Parighasana allows you to gently balance with grounded knees and feet while the upper body and chest get more space. The goal is to stretch the muscles…

Best 5 green smoothie recipes


Are super green smoothies good for you The answer is yes. A green smoothie offers unique health benefits. It is made from leafy vegetables, which are full of antioxidants and vitamins. A green smoothie satisfies and offers maximum nutrition. But…

Yoga Chair Pose (Utakasana)

chair yoga pose

What is Yoga Chair Pose – Utakasana good for? The chair yoga pose is good for the legs (hamstrings, hips, gluetes, calves), upper and lower back, and shoulders. Utakasana helps to lengthen the back and can improve the muscular core.…

Plow yoga pose-Halasana

Plow yoga pose-Halasana

What is Plow yoga pose-Halasana ? Plow yoga pose-Halasana is practiced together with Yoga pose Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) and Fish yoga pose (Matsyasana), but, of course, it can be done independently and/or in other combinations and series. As you can…

Ayurveda: food as medicine

Ayurveda: food as medicine

The food we consume every day serves not only to fill the stomach or to satisfy the tongue. From the very beginning of its existence, mankind has used food as medicine. Many ancient medical traditions speak of the fact that…

Camel pose (Ustrasana) in Yoga

young attractive woman ustrasana pose against floor scaled 1 e1684090017375

What is Camel pose (Ustrasana) in Yoga I can’t resist starting this display with a drawing of a camel by Picasso—fantastic! But let’s go to our “work”. As we know, the camel has a perfect metabolism. As our body remembers…

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