zojax yoga

zojax yoga

Staff Pose (Danasana )

What is Yoga Pose – Staff Pose (Danasana) ? Staff Pose is the most fundamental sitting yoga pose. This is a self-contained pose that is far more demanding than you might assume. In the little photographs, you can see its…

Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) is one of the most famous and classic yoga pose. In the small series, Candle-Plow-Fish, it is in the first pose. The Candle is said to be the “Queen of Asanas” (“King” is Stand on your head…

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

How to do Fish Pose Matsyasana? Yoga pose – Fish Pose Matsyasana, like many others, has a lot of variance. We described the variety where the torso rests on the elbows in the text and a somewhat more advanced version…